You are now logged in to the Members Only area of our website.

IMPORTANT - Please don't be concerned if the Grading details shown for you on this log-in page are not current as we've been having some difficulty with getting the website to update properly.
Your correct details can be found on the current TSNZ Membership List, which can be obtained from your Club or Association Secretary.

From this Members login page you can:


  • edit your TSNZ Website password - this is strongly recommended if this is the first time you have logged in
  • view your own shooting profile 

and visit these Members-Only pages:



Examples of the TSNZ Promotional Posters:


6.  TSNZ New _ WEB _ editable _ Rongotea _ reduced file test.jpg

3.  TSNZ Family _ WEB _ jpg.jpg


Contact your Association Secretary or the TSNZ Office for all 10 of the posters
to use in print or online format.